বুধবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২


How many of you want to have a beautiful smile? Certainly most of you would raise your hands. But there are some people who cannot have because of their teeth alignment. But those people don’t have to get disappointed. Now the world has taken a huge step in the advancement of dental technology. Many of you might have heard the name of dental surgery. If we say it in medical terms it is a medical treatment which involves a number of procedures in order to modify your teeth. In other words it is surgery dealing with teeth and jaw bones.

There are different types of dental surgery. The first one is the Endodontic surgery. The name itself is too tough to spell. It is the surgery involving root of the tooth. In this process the flesh of the inner tooth is removed due to infection. Root canal treatment is performed along with some dental procedures such as dental implants to remove infected tooth. This surgery is done keeping in mind to protect the inner tooth root from disease and damage. Another one is the Prosthodontics i.e. dental prosthetics. In this process caps or implants are fitted. It aimed at proper treating and oral functioning of damaged teeth. Apart from these two another types is the orthodontist treatment.  It covers everything from tooth extraction to bone structure. It generally aimed at treating the crooked teeth, improper bite and the irregularities in the structure of tooth and jaw. Many of you might be thinking when do we require dental surgery?  

As the title suggest, this type of surgery involves the removal of teeth root. It is done in order to remove baby teeth so that permanent teeth can grow. These are also done in order to remove extra teeth. It is usually done when a tooth is dead or rotten. When you have unequal growth of the jaws then, dentist suggest for dental surgery. The upper and lower unequal growth of jaws can create problems such as eating or breathing. It is seen that if braces does not works then you have to go work dental surgery. It is also done in case you lost your tooth in an accident in order to replace the missing teeth. Many people have problems with their wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth do not get enough room to grow then you may have problems such as swelling or pain in jaws and nearby teeth. So dentist recommends going for dental surgery otherwise it can permanently damage the surrounding tooth.

It is seen that people get frightened when they hear the name of surgery. And of course it is related to teeth you can imagine how long people can think. But you should keep in mind that like other surgery, it is also done by using anesthesia. People will be unaware of the surgery and they will not feel any pain. But if any pain will be there they will be given some medication to avoid it.

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