মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২


 The term orthodontics might be new to many readers. But you don’t have to worry a lot as I am here. It is basically derived from Greek word “orthos” means straight and “odous” means tooth. You can also say that it is specialty of dentistry. In these they are concerned about the treatment of improper bites which results from irregularities in teeth or problems related to jaws or it can be both. It generally helps to give a proper alignment to your teeth by placing them in right positions. This can be done with the help of About Braces and aligners.

Many of you might be thinking apart from alignment what the other advantages of orthodontics are? It provides a healthier mouth along with beautiful teeth that will last for longer time with a beautiful appearance. There are basically two kinds of orthodontics i.e. adult orthodontics and adolescent orthodontics. You may come across notions such as if the bite is not corrected in young age it will never be corrected when they are adult. But those who believe in such notions they are completely fool. I personally feel that these problems should be corrected at a young age otherwise at a higher age it becomes difficult and takes longer time to align the teeth. But that does not mean that it is impossible task. When you are a child the jaws are soft and fresh. Teeth are not set. So if there is any alignment problem it can be corrected with a greater ease and in a less time. But as time progresses teeth get set and the changes and the pressure which are caused by orthodontics becomes unbearable for the adults. It can be painful and can take longer period of time. 

Another problem associated with adult orthodontics is that they complain of losing their teeth in the treatment process. The biggest reason is that as you grow older the jaws become weak and loosen the grip over the tooth. In case of child the teeth are not fully fitted to jaws with the filament system. But this is not so in adults. When you give orthodontic treatments to adults, these filaments are loosened first. Thus the tooth becomes weak and becomes vulnerable to break. But you don’t have to worry because with time filaments will become strong and your teeth will become as it was earlier but with more beautiful alignment.

Many people think that their teeth alignment would never be rectified as their age is over. But my friend orthodontic treatment does not see age. With the development in dental technology you can always fix your teeth while you are in adolescent stage or in older age. The only thing that matters is the desire to do. If you think it’s too late then you are wrong my friend. Always keep in mind that treatment is for your betterment. It would make your smile more beautiful with a pleasant appearance.

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