বুধবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

A radiographic analysis of tooth morphology following the use of a novel cyclical force device in orthodontics

Tooth movement may be considered an inflammatory process, and cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and receptor activator of nuclear factor [kappa] B legend (RANKL), are inflammatory or pro-inflammatory mediators remodeling the periodontal ligament (PDL) tissue [2]. The PDL is a connective tissue attaching the tooth to the alveolar bone. The tissue withstands the compressive forces during chewing while keeping the tooth in place. RANKL is reportedly essential to the osteoclast formation, function, and survival [3].
Some orthodontic researchers have suggested other methods to increase the rate of tooth movement by exploiting cellular processes. One such method is the use of corticotomies to accelerate tooth movement [4]. A recent article has even suggested that different types of surgical procedures create different effects in the surrounding bony areas facilitating a variable response to tooth movement [5].

In another study, it has been reported that low magnitude mechanical signals are "anabolic" to bone when applied at a high frequency. Long term use of this technique enhances bone stiffness and strength, and it also shows an increase in chancellors bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, and trabecular number [6]. A light force produces significantly more tooth movement than heavier force application [7]. However, optimal force varies between patients along with the magnitude of the applied force affecting the rate of tooth movement [2]. Therefore, a device that transmits these forces may be an added benefit in orthodontic treatment.

However, use of such a device may pose a potential problem in root resorption. This condition is characterized by the loss of root cementum and dentin [8]. As a result, root resorption is a concern in orthodontic treatment and is thought to occur as a side-effect of cellular activity in the removal of the necrotic hyalinized tissue [2]. Root resorption is a precursor to the eruption of permanent teeth. However, root resorption of permanent teeth is an inflammation caused by varying factors, including injury to the root surface followed by dental trauma, surgical procedures, non-vital teeth bleaching, and mechanical procedures involving periodontal treatment [8].

The "gold standard" to measure root resorption is to sacrifice the tooth and surrounding alveolar bone and to histologically analyze the morphology. However, this type of analysis is not possible in a clinical setting. Therefore, a common method of evaluating root resorption is through conventional radiography. Some examples are panoramic radiography or peri-apical films. However, these models may be of limited use. A more accurate evaluation of root resorption can be achieved by analyzing cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. CBCT imaging has been moving toward providing greater amounts of information in regard to root morphology and periodontal structures [9].
This study represents the first human use of a novel cyclical device. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects a cyclical device may have on root lengths of teeth on 3D images generated from a new, computerized cone beam tomography device.


Subjects who received braces for the first time were invited to participate, as long as they were within the first week of getting braces bonded. Patients were assigned to receive a functioning device and used the devices for 20 min daily for a six month study period. Study approval was given by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, USA.

The inclusion criteria for subjects were as follows:

The exclusion criteria for subjects were as follows:

Novel device

The novel device used for this study was the AcceleDent Type I (Figure 1). The device uses the application of cyclic forces to move teeth in bone faster through accelerated bone remodelling. The product is a removable orthodontic device, similar to a retainer, which attaches to the orthodontic archwire. In short, one part of the device is placed into the subject's mouth while the other end sits just outside the mouth and provides a small mechanical force to the teeth. The component outside the mouth shaped like a computer mouse and houses the mechanical, electrical, and energy components to activate the mechanical force from the post. The patient places and activates the device once daily for 20 min. The applied force (0.2-10 Newtons) is intended to be barely noticeable and should not be uncomfortable. Some researchers have theorized that the pulsing actually may decrease pain associated with standard orthodontic adjustments [10]. Importantly, AcceleDent is designed to work with all existing bracket technologies and is intended to complement rather than replace existing bracket technologies, such as braces.
Figure 1: An example of the AcceleDent Type 1 device .

Imaging Device 

The CBCT imaging device used for this study was the Sirona Galileos cone beam device. This system emits a radiation dose between 29 uSv to 54 uSv, as reported by the manufacturer. It has a scan time of 14 s and captures the maxilla-mandibular region in a 210[degrees] rotation within a radiation-detector configuration. The field of view is a spherical volume of 15 cm. The voxel size is between 0.15 mm to 0.30 mm, and the grayscale is 12 bit.
A reconstruction program calculated the entire image volume from the data of 200 individual exposures generated from a pulsed scan and required 3 min for image generation. Image manipulation was carried out using the manufacturer's software, Galaxis. To increase the accuracy of the assessment, all three planes (sagittal, axial, and coronal) were utilized.

Parameters Measured 

CBCT images were taken at two time frames; once at the start of treatment (T 1 ) and again after six months of treatment (T2 ). Measurements of all teeth present were made from the mesial buccal roots of the first molar on one side of the dental arch to the mesial buccal roots of the first molar on the opposing side of the same arch (Figure 2). Linear root measurements were recorded in mm.

Figure 2: Notation of Teeth .

A further analysis was done to determine if groups of teeth reacted differently. For example, if the anterior teeth (canines and incisors) reacted differently to the posterior teeth (premolars and molars).
Statistical Analysis
The mean of the root lengths were measured in mm and tested for normality. The differences between the pre-treatment and mid-treatment root lengths were analyzed by using t -tests (SPSS 16.0.1, Chicago, IL). Reductions in tooth root length were measured for significant differences at 0.5 mm and 1 mm.
The following results were obtained, and some of the results are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1 caption: Table showing the mean changes in root lengths at T2 compared to T1 [see PDF for image]
Table 2 caption: Means of the differences in root lengths at T2 compared to T1 based on groupings of anterior and

posterior teeth 


17 subjects were recruited to participate in the study. 14 subjects completed using the device during the study period. 3 subjects declined to continue using the device for a variety of personal reasons and were not included in this study. The mean age of the subjects was 20.3 years. The oldest patient was 56.6 years, and the youngest was 12.1 years.

Mean Root Lengths 

Measurements of all teeth present were made from the mesial buccal roots of the first molar on one side of the dental arch to the mesial buccal roots of the first molar on the opposing side of the same arch. Measurements were recorded as linear lengths. The mean root lengths of the upper and lower teeth are presented in Table 1. The differences in mean root lengths ranged from -0.127 mm to -0.416 mm for both arches.

Parameters measured 

A paired t -test was used to determine if significant differences in root lengths occurred at the end of the study period compared to the start of treatment for each of the individual tooth groups. No statistical differences were noted for root length changes above 0.5 mm and 1 mm.
When groups of teeth were measured, the results showed no statistical differences in the amounts of root resorption between anterior and posterior teeth (Table 2).


This was the first study conducted in humans to determine the safety and efficacy of a novel device that uses medical robotics to assist in the rapid movement of teeth. State of the art 3D technology was employed to determine if the device caused problems to the roots of all teeth and whether root resorption occurred.

The device used in this study was the AcceleDent Type 1 device. This device provides a cyclical force in addition to the standard static force provided by orthodontics. Application of these cyclical forces induces accelerated remodelling of the bone in which teeth are embedded, thereby enabling them to move faster. In a series of rabbit experiments (N = 24), Mao showed that cyclical forces (2 Newtons at 0.2 Hz and 1 Hz for 20 min daily), provided in addition to the typical static forces (braces provided 24 hours per day), induced more cranial growth, sutural separation, and proliferation of osteoblast-like cells [11, 12]. Histological evidence indicated wider separation of the premaxillomaxillary suture, frontonasal suture, and maxillopalatine suture associated with cyclic loading. In contrast, sutures associated with control and static loads were less separated. This evidence provides the scientific basis for using a cyclical device to decrease standard orthodontic treatment time. Additionally, a device that utilizes cyclic forces has been applied and approved for use in other areas of the body [13]. For example, the Juvent 1000 device maintains and/or enhances muscle strength, function, and postural stability.

Root resorption is a potential side effect of any orthodontic treatment. However, numerous factors have been acknowledged as potential precursors to enhanced root resorption. These factors include the duration of treatment, the magnitude of force application, the direction of tooth movement, and the method of force application (continuous versus intermittent) [8].

In this study, the AcceleDent device was used as an adjunct to routine treatment. The types of forces were cyclical in nature hence providing an almost pulsating nature. In addition, the device was used for only 20 min a day. The closest force characteristic that this device produced would be seen as an intermittent force, and these types of forces have been shown to allow cementum to heal and prevent further resorption [14, 15, 16].

Furthermore, there have been conflicting discussions of what is considered to be clinically significant root resorption. Some authors have stated that root resorptions in excess of 1/3 of root length were significant [17] whilst another study showed that resorptions at > 2 mm were considered present in up to 25% of cases [18]. This study showed that the changes in the root lengths at the end of the treatment compared to the start of treatment were not statistically significant at the 0.5 mm and 1 mm levels. This stringent amount of 0.5 mm was considered to be within clinically acceptable limits considering the study lasted for 6 months, and long term results were not available.


The following are conclusions of the novel robotic device. No statistically significant changes were noted for root lengths at the end of treatment compared to the start of treatment. No significant differences were noted between roots of anterior and posterior teeth. No clinically significant changes between root lengths were noted above 0.5 mm.

Competing interests 

The author declares that they have no competing interests.


How many of you want to have a beautiful smile? Certainly most of you would raise your hands. But there are some people who cannot have because of their teeth alignment. But those people don’t have to get disappointed. Now the world has taken a huge step in the advancement of dental technology. Many of you might have heard the name of dental surgery. If we say it in medical terms it is a medical treatment which involves a number of procedures in order to modify your teeth. In other words it is surgery dealing with teeth and jaw bones.

There are different types of dental surgery. The first one is the Endodontic surgery. The name itself is too tough to spell. It is the surgery involving root of the tooth. In this process the flesh of the inner tooth is removed due to infection. Root canal treatment is performed along with some dental procedures such as dental implants to remove infected tooth. This surgery is done keeping in mind to protect the inner tooth root from disease and damage. Another one is the Prosthodontics i.e. dental prosthetics. In this process caps or implants are fitted. It aimed at proper treating and oral functioning of damaged teeth. Apart from these two another types is the orthodontist treatment.  It covers everything from tooth extraction to bone structure. It generally aimed at treating the crooked teeth, improper bite and the irregularities in the structure of tooth and jaw. Many of you might be thinking when do we require dental surgery?  

As the title suggest, this type of surgery involves the removal of teeth root. It is done in order to remove baby teeth so that permanent teeth can grow. These are also done in order to remove extra teeth. It is usually done when a tooth is dead or rotten. When you have unequal growth of the jaws then, dentist suggest for dental surgery. The upper and lower unequal growth of jaws can create problems such as eating or breathing. It is seen that if braces does not works then you have to go work dental surgery. It is also done in case you lost your tooth in an accident in order to replace the missing teeth. Many people have problems with their wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth do not get enough room to grow then you may have problems such as swelling or pain in jaws and nearby teeth. So dentist recommends going for dental surgery otherwise it can permanently damage the surrounding tooth.

It is seen that people get frightened when they hear the name of surgery. And of course it is related to teeth you can imagine how long people can think. But you should keep in mind that like other surgery, it is also done by using anesthesia. People will be unaware of the surgery and they will not feel any pain. But if any pain will be there they will be given some medication to avoid it.

মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২


 The term orthodontics might be new to many readers. But you don’t have to worry a lot as I am here. It is basically derived from Greek word “orthos” means straight and “odous” means tooth. You can also say that it is specialty of dentistry. In these they are concerned about the treatment of improper bites which results from irregularities in teeth or problems related to jaws or it can be both. It generally helps to give a proper alignment to your teeth by placing them in right positions. This can be done with the help of About Braces and aligners.

Many of you might be thinking apart from alignment what the other advantages of orthodontics are? It provides a healthier mouth along with beautiful teeth that will last for longer time with a beautiful appearance. There are basically two kinds of orthodontics i.e. adult orthodontics and adolescent orthodontics. You may come across notions such as if the bite is not corrected in young age it will never be corrected when they are adult. But those who believe in such notions they are completely fool. I personally feel that these problems should be corrected at a young age otherwise at a higher age it becomes difficult and takes longer time to align the teeth. But that does not mean that it is impossible task. When you are a child the jaws are soft and fresh. Teeth are not set. So if there is any alignment problem it can be corrected with a greater ease and in a less time. But as time progresses teeth get set and the changes and the pressure which are caused by orthodontics becomes unbearable for the adults. It can be painful and can take longer period of time. 

Another problem associated with adult orthodontics is that they complain of losing their teeth in the treatment process. The biggest reason is that as you grow older the jaws become weak and loosen the grip over the tooth. In case of child the teeth are not fully fitted to jaws with the filament system. But this is not so in adults. When you give orthodontic treatments to adults, these filaments are loosened first. Thus the tooth becomes weak and becomes vulnerable to break. But you don’t have to worry because with time filaments will become strong and your teeth will become as it was earlier but with more beautiful alignment.

Many people think that their teeth alignment would never be rectified as their age is over. But my friend orthodontic treatment does not see age. With the development in dental technology you can always fix your teeth while you are in adolescent stage or in older age. The only thing that matters is the desire to do. If you think it’s too late then you are wrong my friend. Always keep in mind that treatment is for your betterment. It would make your smile more beautiful with a pleasant appearance.